

3 Habit That Made Elon Musk Very Successful



Elon Musk is an entrepreneur and business magnate.
He is the founded, CEO, and chief engineer at SpaceX, Boring, and the co-founder of Neural ink and Open AI.

  Elon Musk Net Worth
According to Forbes Elon Musk net worth is $150.0billion dollars.
Elon Musk own lot of company 
which include SpaceX, Tesla, SolarCity, Neural ink, Zip2.

Successful Habit Of Elon Musk

  • READING: Elon Musk reads the way a lot of us watch TV.  Musk is the definition of a book wormer. Elon Musk has always been hungry for knowledge, which has brought him to where he is right now. Book have always been important to Musk. Inspiring him as a young adult and helping him to learn rocket science while launching SpaceX. Elon Musk as cultivated the habit of reading which has played a big role in his successful life. Musk is a great leader, because readers are leaders.

Providing Better Customer Experience: Elon Musk believes that all customers are important.
No matter who you are, Elon Musk cares about his customers.
Anyone can tweet Elon about their vehicle and will get an answer.
Customer report has given Tesla a best in class, rating for customer satisfaction. 
Consumer satisfaction is very important when it comes to marketing a product.
Consumer satisfaction helps to build up customer trust in your brand, brand awareness, positive comment about a product, especially online.

Being hard working is very important for success in life.
Have you seen any successful person who did not work hard to get what he or she has today, and those who were born with silver spoon will still have to work hard in one aspect of their life.
Elon Musk says he has put in extra-long hours over the last year to keep his electric car -Tesla, alive.
He had to push himself that hard if he was going to push his team that head, he said.
Elon Musk on working 120 hours a week.
Elon Musk is not a fan of remote work.

3 Skills You Need To Have To Become Successful


Skill: It is the ability to do something well.

Skill is the activity or work which requires special training or knowledge. Having the right skill is 
important in all aspect of our life both personal and business life.
Having the right skill will help you to grow as an individual and will bring you closer in achieving your goals.
Know what works for you and go for it. All the successful people have one or two skill's that skyrocket them to success. So, you need to have a skill in order to be the change you want to see.

I have listed below three skills that will help you in your journey to success.

Learnable skill

Learnable skill is the ability to gain knowledge by reading, experience or being taught.
Learnable skill are valuable skills that you can use throughout your life to complete project and communicate effectively.
If you are open to learn a skill like marketing, it can create more opportunity for you in life.

Time Management

 It is the ability to use your time effectively. It a special skill that helps you to learn or know how to prioritize, set goals and achieve them, become much more organize with what you do, plan effectively and also decrease stress.
Time management is life management.
Time management increases productivity. Time management in business will make you have loyal customers and will increase or boost your business to the next level. All successful people in the world knows how to use their time well. We all have 24hours, meaning there is not much time to do everything but there is always time to do the important things.

People Skill

People skill is also called soft skill.
It is a behavioral interaction among people. People skill is based on social interaction with people.
Having soft skill or people skill can help you get and retain a job and remember you cannot pretend to be who you are not.

How To Become The Better You


Success means motivation, happiness, freedom, goals and so much more.
If you copy, what successful people do you will become more successful and if you learn the mistakes from the people who failed, you will not be a failure.

 All the successful people that we all know always have one or two things in common.
Remember that all things are possible.


Discipline: it is the act of been obedient and focused and also taking into consideration of the things to be done.
Discipline is one of the keys to success and it helps to stay focus, 
and bring you closer to more opportunities in life.
 1.Discipline helps you to know what is important and what is not.
2.Discipline makes you more trustworthy by people.
3.Discipline boost yourself esteem.

It is based on the fact that your quality of interaction with people will help you a lot in life, learn how to communicate freely, learn how to gain ideas from more experience people, never be put down because of failure.

It is the ability to stay focus, in what you are doing, consistency and discipline,
works hand in hand, you need to have faith that better days is ahead.
Consistency also means doing the same thing every day but getting better in whatever, you are doing.

Have a vision, having a vision helps you know what to do, you need to have a dream if you want to make a dream come true.
You can fulfill your dreams, all leaders have vision, the book of Solomon says, lack of having a vision makes you lose the excitement of life, the best way to predict the future is to create it. 

                                            Clarity means thinking clearly of what you want to do in life, what you want to have and who you really want to be.
The top successful people in the world our very clear on what their want and what is needed to achieve their life goals.
And remember if you don't know where you are going any road will take                                                                                                                                                   you there.
So, you have to know what works for you.

The harder you work the better you get, the ability to concentrate is the key to success in life, we don't have anofe time to do everything, but we have time to do the important things, concentrate on the top items, time management is life management, success is achieved through concentration.

All successful man and woman are creative, flexible, curious and ask the most question.
Stop doing what you are doing every day the same way, try to improve because things change.
All you need is to be ten percent extra to become outstanding in what you are doing, learn how to read books and learn from others.

                                                     COMMON SENSE
Learn how to train your mind to think things through before taking action.
Listen to your intuition, develop general principle from any of your experience, look for the valuable 
lesson in anything you do in life.